Introducing the Nichiren Buddhist Sangha

Nichiren Dai Bosatsu

Nichiren Daishonin 大聖人

The Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of the San Francisco Bay Area [NBA] is an international Sangha or Buddhist Community that welcomes everyone. We offer a wide range of online services, meditations, and other contemplative practices for those curious about Buddhism, those wanting to incorporate Buddhist teaching and practice into their lives, and dedicated practitioners.

Our temple’s full name is Enryu-zan [Perfect Dragon Mountain] - 圓龍山 - Shingan-ji [True Vow Temple] - 眞願寺. Traditionally, temples have two names, a “mountain name,” and a “faith name.” The word “True” in our temple’s name, refers to what is genuine and authentic. A “true vow” is an authentic, passionate, and wholesome desire to reduce the world’s suffering and spread the Dharma. “True Vow” describes our clear and concentrated intention for world peace and awakening for all beings.

Anyone interested in Buddhist teachings and practices is welcome to participate in our online practice periods and discussion groups. Please see our calendar for our schedule and links to events. It is not necessary to be a member of Nichiren Shu to participate in our activities. However, if you are seeking to take the Threefold Refuge and make a formal commitment to Buddhist practice within the Nichiren Shu lineage we can help you. Please read the following page.

Those who want to have a deeper understanding of the Lotus Sutra and its practice may also find the study program developed by our founding senior minister Ryuei Shonin of interest.

Buddhism is experiential. The Buddha pointed the way, sharing how to find freedom from suffering, how to find true happiness; how to play our part in creating a beautiful world of peace and love. But it’s up to us to take the path. It’s grown-up teaching; the Buddha treats us like responsible adults, not children. Whenever the Buddha finished teaching, his parting words to his lay followers as they excused themselves to return to their jobs and families was, "Now is the time to do as you see fit." This means that the Buddha left it up to us to determine how we would put into practice the insights gained from encountering the Buddha and listening to the Dharma.

For over 2500 years the Buddhist tradition has been offering a way for every person to become awakened, thereby realizing and actualizing the buddha-nature. The Buddha never said he was a god nor did he say that we should follow him to an otherworldly heaven. Instead, he said, “Come try this and see for yourself.” The Buddha emphasized personal responsibility and accountability. In essence, Buddhism teaches that if we liberate ourselves, we can liberate the world. Mindfulness and compassion are noble human qualities that all can cultivate. Through practice, we can live with trust and confidence so that our thoughts, words, and actions can transform us and positively influence everyone and everything around us.

We find strength and support in our community helping each other grow and deepening our journey of self-discovery.

Our community offers daily services free of charge. Everyone is welcome. Please visit our “Come Try It” page to sign up for the weekly Zoom link or check our Calendar and Events page.

  • Sunday 10:30 AM - Noon Pacific time - Buddhist Service followed by a dharma talk and open sharing and discussion.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:30-10 AM Pacific time - Buddhist service.

  • Wednesday 9:30-10 AM Pacific time - Shodaigyo Meditation

  • Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 AM Pacific time - Office Hours with the Senior Minister

  • First Sunday of the Month at Midnight Pacific time (9 AM Paris) - French language service and discussion.

  • Check Calendar for Portuguese services - usually held every other Sunday at 9:30 AM Pacific time (2:30 PM Brazil)

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A supportive community of fellow practitioners

Community is one of Buddhism’s Three Treasures. We all naturally desire to be supported in a safe and loving community who can give us comfort and refuge in both good and bad times. Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of the San Francisco Bay Area is a group of people who practice the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra as taught by Nichiren Daishonin which is primarily centered on chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of the San Francisco Bay Area [NBA] is affiliated with the Nichiren Shu. We are guided by the teachings of our founder, Nichiren Daishonin. We also foster a spirit of gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of all those who work to share the Dharma in a spirit of itai doshin (different bodies, same mind) among the clergy and laity.

Our Sangha shares and supports Odaimoku-centered practices, cooperates peacefully with other religious and wisdom traditions, and coordinates our work and outreach within the localcommunity.

Our Sangha acknowledges and values equally the expressions of practice in formal settings and in daily life. Thus, we affirm both household and monastic practice as aspects of the One Buddha Vehicle.

Founded in celebration of diversity, equity and inclusion for all beings the NBA Sangha welcomes everyone seeking to end suffering and cultivate happiness. Our Sangha seeks to maintain a culture of purposeful inclusion of all people regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or national origin. 

Our mission is to enable liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building. Rooted in our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion we operate with transparent democratic governance, generosity-based donations, and environmental sustainability. We are committed to working with all religious and wisdom traditions to bring peace and healing to the world while maintaining the integrity of the Nichiren Shu’s lineage, teachings, and practices.

Stronger Together

Stronger Together


Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick

The founding and current senior minister of Enryuzan Shinganji, Rev. McCormick was ordained in 2001 at Kuonji Temple on Mt. Minobu. He has been propagating the Odaimoku practice and the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha in the San Francisco Bay Area and internationally since that time. He is also the author of several books on the life and teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.

check out our new Nichiren Bay Area YouTube Channel

Rev. Ryuei McCormick, head priest of Nichiren Bay Area is interviewed by filmmaker Yujiro Seki discussion the Four “Aims” Siddhantas of Buddhism.

Rev. Ryuei McCormick is interviewed by Vincent Moore for Paths of Practice.

Rev. Ryuei McCormick compares and contrasts the teachings of Shinran and Nichiren.

Other Videos that may be of interest

BBC Reel: The Science behind mantras

Recent scientific studies on the power of mantras to calm and focus the mind are featured in this short 9 minute BBC Reel segment.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyō 🙏🙏🙏

Being with someone and seeing them as they are is the greatest gift we can give.

“I deeply revere you. I could never find you unworthy of respect or put myself above you. For all of you are practicing the bodhisattva way and all of you will become buddhas.” - The Lotus Sutra Chapter 20

“The heart of the Buddha’s lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, and the heart of the practice of the Lotus Sutra is found in the “Never Disparaging” chapter. What does Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s profound respect for people signify? The purpose of the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human being.” - Nichiren

We are encouraged to behave as Never Disparaging trusting in our own buddha nature and that of others and act in accord with that trust.

People frequently ask, is it OK to meditate or chant for 'things?'


The Buddha taught in the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra that one should have four aims (intentions) for their practice of meditation.

Here is a short 30 second video with an excerpt from Apple+ TV's program "The Crowded Room," that perfectly capture the second and third of the four aims.

Find comfort and ease knowing everyone is working on the somethings, and there are resources to help. Chanting meditation is just one of them, albeit quite a powerful and effective one.

Mt. Minobu


Learn more about Nichiren’s Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra, our San Francisco Bay Area community and how you can find peace, joy and happiness in this lifetime.