Reply to Lord Ueno



I have received your offering of one string of eyelet coins. Because you are so kindhearted, I want to tell you something. Please do not think of me as a greedy monk.


It is an easy thing to become a buddha. Let me teach it to you. To teach something to another is like oiling the wheels when a wagon is too heavy to move or to use a boat to travel over water. Therefore, the matter of becoming a buddha is no different. It is to give water to the drought-stricken or to provide fire to those chilled to the bone. Also, it is to give something irreplaceable to another person, saving the life of another by providing them with what they need even as you are dying from lack of it.


In the past there was a king in India called King Golden. His kingdom was plagued by twelve years of drought and countless people died of starvation as a result. In the river, the corpses formed a bridge, while on land the skeletons piled up like burial mounds.


At that time, the Great King Golden, with the great awakening mind performed an expansive almsgiving campaign. Everything that could be given was given except for five measures [about nine liters] of rice in the warehouse. One of the retainers said, “There is only a single day’s meal for the great king.” The great king took out the five measures of rice to be distributed among the hungry, one or two grains or three or four grains each. After this, the king turned to the heavens and declared, “I am willing to die of hunger in place of all the people suffering from the famine.” Hearing this, the heavens immediately opened and a rain of amrita (the nectar of immortality) fell. Those who felt this rain upon their hands or their faces had their hunger assuaged, and all the people in the kingdom were revived in an instant.


In India, there was a wealthy man named Sudatta who experienced poverty seven times and also experienced becoming wealthy seven times. When he was stricken with poverty for the last time, all the people around him fled or died, leaving only Sudatta and his wife. The couple had five measures of rice left, only enough food for five days. At that time,  five people - Mahakashyapa, Shariputra, Ananda, Rahula, and Shakyamuni Buddha - visited them one by one for alms food. Sudatta offered all five measures of rice to them. From that day on Sudatta became the wealthiest person in the five regions of India. In the end, he was able to build the Jeta Grove Monastery.


Let this be the basis for your understanding of all other things. You already resemble a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra just as a monkey resembles a human being or a piece of rice cake resembles the full moon. Because of the incident in Atsuwara, people consider you a traitor like Taira no Masakado of the Shohei Period or Abe no Sadato of the Tenki Period. However, you simply dedicated your life to the Lotus Sutra. Heaven will never consider you to be a traitor to your lord. Moreover, your small village has been forced to bear a heavy burden of public works, so you do not even have a horse to ride, while your wife and children do not have enough clothing.


Yet under such difficult circumstances, you sympathized with the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra assaulted by snow in the mountains, and in need of food. You kindly sent one kammon of coins to me. Your offering is like that of the poor woman who gave the only garment she and her husband wore to a monk begging for alms, , or Arita who gave a small amount of barnyard millet in a rice bowl to a privately-awakened one. It is valuable indeed. Allow me to write to you in detail later.




Sincerely yours,

27th day of the 12th month

Nichiren (signature)

Lord Ueno in Response