What You Should Know:

Nichiren Shu Creed

The following is a translation of the creed of Nichiren Shu in bold followed by a brief explanation of each point.

We consider the Lotus Sutra as personally experienced by Nichiren Shonin to be the foundation of our life.

The Lotus Sutra is the particular Dharma, or teaching, that we believe fully expresses the Buddha's intention. This is because it alone teaches that Buddhahood can be attained by all people and that the life and world of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha pervades all of reality in every moment. Our teacher, Nichiren Shonin, believed that this was not just a theory but a reality that he experienced and by which he guided his life; in this, we follow his example.

Shakyamuni Buddha, who has been trying to save all the people from time immemorial, is the True Teacher embodying wisdom and compassion. We put our total faith in him.

In Mahayana Buddhism, there are many buddhas, but in Nichiren Shu, we put our faith in the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha, revealed in the Lotus Sutra, as the constant presence of the spiritually awakened state that is always communicating the truth to everyone.

"Namu Myoho Renge Kyo" is the vital means of training for us to obtain Buddhahood and we vow to uphold it in thought, word, and deed.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo is the Sino-Japanese expression for "Devotion to the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma." We chant this phrase to express our faith and joy in the teaching of the Lotus Sutra so we may plant the seed of awakening in our own lives and the lives of others.

Nichiren Shonin made a vow to cultivate the buddha nature of all people and to build the Buddha's land. We consider him our teacher and try to achieve his goal.

The whole purpose of being a Nichiren Shu Buddhist is to carry on Nichiren's mission to realize the truth of the Lotus Sutra, so that all people can realize that their true nature is that of a buddha. When the buddha-nature of all beings is cultivated, then this world becomes the Buddha's land of peace and harmony.

We will always be aware that we are the Buddha's children and will live together with all people in search for the Truth.

This means that everyone, even those of us who are not Buddhists, can be regarded as heirs to the Buddha's awakened nature, so we should always strive to treat each other with great compassion and deep respect in all things.