
The  Bodhicaryāvatāra comes to a conclusion with a relatively short chapter of only fifty-eight verses. There is not much that needs to be said about it that is not clear from just reading it. It is an extended dedication of merit such as is used at the end of just about all Buddhist ceremonies. Śāntideva begins saying:

“By the good that is mine from considering ‘Undertaking the Way to Awakening,’ the Bodhicaryāvatāra, may all people adorn the path to Awakening. Through my merit may all those in any of the directions suffering distress in body or mind find oceans of happiness and delight. As long as the round of rebirth remains, may their happiness never fade. Let the world receive uninterrupted happiness from the bodhisattvas.” (X.1-3)

The verses that follow express specific wishes for relieving the suffering of all the various sentient beings. These are all fairly straightforward except for verse thirty which requires some comment. “May all those in the world as women make progress, becoming men. May the lowly gain high status, but remain free from pride.” (IX.30) It must be remembered that in the patriarchal culture of India in the eighth century (and this is true for most Buddhist cultures until fairly recently in some areas of the world) to be born as a woman was to be born into a low status with little opportunities for education or the freedom to leave home and seek enlightenment such as men would have. The life of women then, as now in many parts of the world, was very oppressive. This verse can be seen not so much as relegating women to oppression and an inferior status, but recognizing that such was the case in the time and place in which Śāntideva was writing. Here he is wishing that they may make the causes to be reborn as men in future lives whereby it will be easier to have the education, freedom, and opportunity to overcome suffering for good.  The verse is not an endorsement of misogyny, though it does make the patriarchal presumption that birth as a male is always better. Rather, it is an unfortunately worded particular expression of the general wish that those born in difficult circumstances shall be reborn in easier less oppressive circumstances in the future.

All of these dedications end with the following grand resolve:

“As long as space abides and as long as the world abides, so long may I abide, destroying the sufferings of the world. Whatever suffering is in store for the world, may it all ripen in me. May the world find happiness through all the pure deeds of the bodhisattvas. The sole medicine for the ailments of the world, the mine of all success and happiness, let the dispensation [of the Buddha’s teachings] long endure, attended by support and honor. I bow down to Mañjughoṣa (i.e. Mañjuśrī) through whose inspiration my mind turns to good. I honor the spiritual friend through whose inspiration it grows strong.” (X.55-58)