The Threefold Lotus Sutra
The Lotus Sutra Study Companion YouTube and Apple podcast episodes are intended to support a practitioner’s personal journey through the Lotus Sutra.
These sessions are not academic, theoretical, or dogmatic. We hope they will be thought provoking and contemplative, encouraging the listener to ask what does it mean to me and my practice in the 21st Century.
The Lotus Sutra should not be taken literally. The Lotus Sutra is best viewed as stories and parables, offering us a grand mytho-poetic vision of reality, and yet offering real-world, practical life lessons. Such as the parable of digging a well encourages us to dig beneath the surface to find water.
Buddha was just a human being. Given to the same mortal processes of birth, aging, sickness and death as are we all. Nichiren Daishonin was too. They both found ultimate meaning in life through their efforts to guide people from suffering into a fully liberated and fully engage fulfilling meaningful joyous life. In their example we too can find our own purpose and meaning.
Our YouTube Channel offers the full video and audio of each monthly companion. Our Apple Podcast offers just the audio. Each episode focusses on one chapter of the Threefold Lotus Sutra.