Nichiren Shu Holidays

Like most religions, Nichiren Buddhism commemorates certain days throughout the year. Some of these are specific to Nichiren Buddhism and some are shared by most Buddhists throughout the world. In the home, many of these holidays are simply remembered by keeping the event in mind, though temples will often perform a special service. Others, however, are celebrated as full festivals, such as Urabon and Segaki. A brief description of each holiday follows.

Nirvana Day (February 15): The celebration of the passing away of Shakyamuni Buddha in the Sala Tree Grove in Kushinagara in the year 383 BCE.

Birthday of Our Founder (February 16): The celebration of the birth of Nichiren Shonin on February 16, 1222.

Higan (March 21 and September 23): This holiday is held on the spring and autumn equinoxes. It is a commemoration of our ancestors and a time to dedicate our merit so that they and all beings may attain awakening. Higan means the "other shore," referring to the other shore of nirvana as opposed to this shore, which is the world of birth and death.

Birthday of the Buddha (April 8): The celebration of the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha on April 8, 463 B.C.E. During the ceremony, sweet tea is poured upon a statue of the baby Siddhartha in remembrance of the legend that sweet tea rained down from the skies when the Buddha was born.

Commemoration of the Establishment of the Nichiren Order (April 28): The celebration of Nichiren Shonin's establishment of Nichiren Buddhism when he first chanted Namu Myoho Renge Kyo to the rising sun at Mount Kiyosumi before giving his first sermon at Seichoji Temple on April 28, 1253.

Commemoration of Our Founder's Exile to Izu Peninsula (May 12): The commemoration of Nichiren Shonin's first arrest and exile by the Kamakura Shogunate on May 12, 1261.

Urabon (July 13-15, or August 13-15): This service is usually held together with the Hungry Ghost (Segaki) service either on July 15 or August 15. The Urabon service commemorates the prayers of the Venerable Maudgalyayana for his deceased mother who had fallen into the world of the hungry ghosts. Along with the prayers of the entire Sangha, the Venerable Maudgalyayana saved his mother from that world. During this service, we also offer prayers and dedicate our merits to our deceased family members and ancestors. In Japan, this service is usually held from July 13th through July 15th, though some places may celebrate it later, from August 13th through August 15th.

Service for Hungry Ghosts (Segak): This service is usually held in conjunction with the Urabon Service. During this service, our prayers and merits are dedicated to all those who have passed away in recognition of the fact that all beings are related to one another.

Commemoration of the Persecution at Matsubagayatsu (August 27): Commemoration of the first major persecution on August 27, 1260, when an angry mob attacked Nichiren Shonin's hut at Matsubagayatsu in Kamakura in reaction to the Rissho Ankoku-ron. Nichiren Shonin escaped, but his hut was burned down and he had to flee the city.

Commemoration of the Tatsunokuchi Persecution (September 12): Commemoration of the arrest and attempted execution of Nichiren Shonin on September 12, 1271. Though Nichiren Shonin miraculously escaped death at the Tatsunokuchi execution grounds, he later insisted that he had "died and was reborn." Instead of execution, the shogunate sentenced him to another exile, this time on Sado Island.

Commemoration of the Exile to Sado Island (October 10): Commemoration of Nichiren Shonin's exile to Sado Island on October 10, 1271. On Sado Island, Nichiren Shonin wrote his most important works and first inscribed the Omandala. During this time, Nichiren Shonin realized that he was doing the work of Superior Practice Bodhisattva. This bodhisattva is the leader of the bodhisattvas who emerge from beneath the earth. During the Ceremony in the Air in the Lotus Sutra, he receives the mission to propagate the Lotus Sutra during the Latter Age of the Dharma directly from the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha.

Oeshiki (October 13): Memorial Day Service of Our Founder. Commemoration of the death of Nichiren Shonin on October 13, 1282.

Commemoration of the Komatsubara Persecution (November 11): Commemoration of the ambush of Nichiren Shonin by Tojo Kagenobu and his party in the woods at Komatsubara on November 11, 1264.

Bodhi Day (December 8): A candlelight service celebrating the awakening of the Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree.

In addition, there are special services for New Year’s Eve, New Year's Day, as well as Setsubun (the celebration of the beginning of Spring).