Serenity's Song: A Journey Through Meditation

by Simon d’Orlaq

In the realm of silence, where thoughts transcend,

A sanctuary of peace, where minds can mend.

A timeless practice, ancient and wise,

Meditation's gift, a celestial prize.

With closed eyes, we embark on a voyage unseen,

Seeking solace in realms so serene.

Cross-legged we sit, in tranquil repose,

As the universe within us gently unfolds.

Breathing deep, we release the world's hold,

Letting go of worries, stories untold.

In the sacred space of the present, we reside,

Embracing the moment, where serenity resides.

The mind, a tempest, now finds its calm,

As gentle waves of stillness become a balm.

Thoughts arise, like clouds in the sky,

But we let them pass, without asking why.

In the depths of our being, a profound connection,

To the infinite wisdom, a divine reflection.

Ego dissolves, as we merge with the divine,

Discovering truth, ineffable and sublime.

Time becomes a whisper, as we enter the flow,

In this boundless realm, where spirits grow.

The essence of existence, we come to explore,

In meditation's embrace, forevermore.

With each breath, we awaken and ascend,

Into the realm of consciousness, our minds transcend.

A dance with the cosmos, a symphony divine,

Meditation, the portal, where souls intertwine.

In stillness, we find the essence of being,

A respite from chaos, a sacred space for seeing.

Meditate, dear soul, in tranquil grace,

Discover the depths of your innermost space.